The acousmatic approach embraces this absence of place, exploits its utopian dimension by creating music who's sound exists nowhere else, slips into the gap opened by the schizophrenic mystery, by the split between the time of production and that of listening, populating this terra incognita with sounds never heard before, impossible acoustic transmutations. pg 114
Acousmatic and schizophrenic describe the same state, that of a spatiotemporal dislocation between the sound event and its being heard, between the time and place of its production and those of its reception. pg. 114
Tacit n o4 "The Acousmatic Non-Place" by Francois J. Bonnet
This is helpful for defining the idea of acousmatic. Which is a sound removed from its original source- ie. electroacousmatic (Speakers). There is a sense of loss between when a sound is recorded and when it is played back. I think this is why I'm drawn to acousmatic sound rather than live sound in my work- the playback acknowledges the loss of the original moment- whatever that recording maybe.
This could be a way of creating implied sonic textures or implied decay time.
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